2021-03-29-INFORE co-organised SIMPLIFY workshop 2021

29 Mar 2021 -

INFORE co-organised the SIMPLIFY 2021 workshop, which took place online on March 23 and was co-located with EDBT 2021. The workshop was orgnised jointly with the projects ExtremeEarth and SmartDataLake.

The aim of the SIMPLIFY workshop is to bring together computer scientists with interests in this field to present recent innovations, find topics of common interest and to stimulate further development of new approaches that greatly simplify the work of a data analyst when performing data analytics, or when employing machine learning algorithms, over Big Data.

Dr. Ralf Klinkenberg, founder and head of research at RapidMiner, gave a keynote presentation with title “Real-Time Data Streaming and Machine Learning Model Deployment from an Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface” and NCSR presented a paper with title “An Empirical Evaluation of Early Time-Series Classification Algorithms”. All presentations are available on the website of the workshop.

This project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825070.

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