INFORE will advance the state-of-the-art in multi-cellular simulation for the study of the effects of drug synergies in tumor growth in a number of ways. These involve the volume and velocity of the simulated data (we will simulate the full size and complexity of cell systems found in in-vivo tumors), using novel methodologies aiming to enhance the efficiency and robustness of the simulations, including the incorporation of dynamic cell-cycle models in the simulation process, techniques for forecasting various events of interest that occur during the simulation, as well as interactive learning techniques to assist the calibration of the in-silico models. This task identifies the requirements for these advancements to be made possible, from the specific data sources to be used in the simulations and the HPC infrastructure to run the simulations on, to the ways in which advanced algorithms for deep analysis, interactive learning and complex event forecasting that will be implemented in WP6 of the project and will be incorporated in the simulation process.